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Project Portfolio



Huseyin Geyik is an aspiring games programmer as well as a creative game designer who heavily enjoys video games and wishes to provide quality, unique and enjoyable game experiences like the ones he had. Before programming, Huseyin has always played a lot of video games, both old and new, this passion for the hobby led him to also want to make games, especially ones that boasted extraordinary gameplay and interesting game design philosophy.


In 2015, Huseyin began studying Games Programming at Goldsmiths University of London where he learnt how to program and truly develop his dream. At the moment, all of the projects listed on this portfolio are the result of his assignments during the course, however this website will be updated with every game he has been involved with even after studying at university.


While he is not particularly well-known for anything notable as of now, Huseyin hopes to create some incredible games in the future

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